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How to integrate with UniWebView3

WWebView is a fully completed module by itself. However, if your game uses UniWebView3 for other platforms (eg. IOS, AOS), you can easily integrate UniWebView3 with the following simple steps.

This document was written based on UniWebView3 version 3.3.2 (Oct 09, 2017).

1. Install UniWebView3

If you import UniWebView3 package to your project, you can see the script files in the project panel as shown below. We will modify this script.

Of course, UniWebView3 is configured with script code that does not support Windows Unity Editor, Windows Standalone and Windows Store platform. That's why we need to modify the script files of UniWebView3.

2. Modify UniWebViewPlaceholder.cs

Open the script file located in "/Assets/UniWebView/Interface/UniWebViewPlaceholder.cs" and modify directives as shown below.


like this

3. Modify UniWebViewHelper.StreamingAssetURLForPath

Open the script file located in "/Assets/UniWebView/Script/UniWebViewHelper.cs" and add following codes in the StreamingAssetURLForPath method.

    return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + path;
    return "ms-appx-web:///Data/StreamingAssets/" + path;

like this

4. Update Unity's Player Settings

From the Unity top menu, select "Edit/Project Settings/Player". This will show PlayerSettings window. In the inspector, expand "Other Settings" panel and add "UNIWEBVIEW3_SUPPORTED" define symbol in the "Scripting Define Symbols" field. Be sure to work on each platform's configuration.

5. Let's test it.

Finally, All the integration work is done. please run the demo examples from UniWebView3 to make sure your integration works well.

7. Supported level

WWebView exposes all interfaces of UniWebView3. However, it does not support all features of UniWebViewe3. For example, UniWebViewPlugin.Show function lets you show the webview with various effects, but the WWebView just shows up. Also, the functions such as SetShowToolbar are not supported at all.

The table below explains how well WWebView supports the functionality of UniWebView3.

Method Supported level
Init full
SetLogLevel NOT supported
Destroy full
Load partial
LoadHTMLString partial
Reload full
Stop full
GetUrl full
SetFrame full
SetPosition full
SetSize full
Show partial
Hide partial
AnimateTo NOT supported
AddJavaScript partial
EvaluateJavaScript partial
AddUrlScheme full
RemoveUrlScheme full
AddSslExceptionDomain NOT supported
RemoveSslExceptionDomain NOT supported
SetHeaderField full
SetUserAgent full
GetUserAgent full
SetAllowAutoPlay NOT supported
SetAllowInlinePlay NOT supported
SetAllowJavaScriptOpenWindow NOT supported
SetJavaScriptEnabled NOT supported
CleanCache full
ClearCookies full
SetCookie partial
GetCookie partial
ClearHttpAuthUsernamePassword NOT supported
SetBackgroundColor NOT supported
SetWebViewAlpha full
GetWebViewAlpha full
SetShowSpinnerWhileLoading NOT supported
SetSpinnerText NOT supported
CanGoBack full
CanGoForward full
GoBack full
GoForward full
SetOpenLinksInExternalBrowser NOT supported
SetHorizontalScrollBarEnabled full
SetVerticalScrollBarEnabled full
SetBouncesEnabled NOT supported
SetZoomEnabled NOT supported
SetShowToolbar NOT supported
SetToolbarDoneButtonText NOT supported
SetWebContentsDebuggingEnabled NOT supported


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

WWebView Bug reporting

Please leave comments for bugs   On track I want a new bug. Done [1.3.0] Win32: Fixed an issue where the "EnableContextMenu" function called before "Load" did not work properly. [1.3.0] WSA: Fixed a bug "SetUserAgent" does not work on "master" build. [1.2.2] Win32: Fixed a bug that fixed size does not work. [1.2.2] Editor: Fixed a problem where WebView was displayed in the wrong place. [1.2.2] Editor: Fixed invalid focus when the webview hidden. [1.2.2] WSA: fixed an app block on demo scene while navigating. [1.2.2] Win32: fixed GetAlpha() function returns an incorrect value. [1.2.2] Win32: Fixed a problem where TAB & DELETE key did not work. [1.2.1] Editor: GUI Window tried to begin rendering while something else had not finished rendering! Either you have a recursive OnGUI rendering, or the previous OnGUI did not clean up properly. Assertion failed on expression: 'device.IsInsideFrame()' [1.2.1] Editor: Th...

WWebView - Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Last modified: August 8, 2017 ICODES STUDIO(“ICODES”) respects the privacy rights of consumers and recognizes the importance of protecting the information collected about you. So we’ve developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS POLICY, PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY ICODES SITE, ONLINE OR MOBILE PRODUCT OR SERVICE. Information We Collect We collect information to provide services to all of our users in two ways. Information you give us. Many of our services require you to sign up for a WWebView account. When you do, we’ll ask for personal information, like your name, email address, telephone number. If you want to take full advantage of the sharing features we offer, we might also ask you to create a publicly visible Profile, which may include you...