WWebView is a fully completed module by itself. However, if your game uses UniWebView3 for other platforms (eg. IOS, AOS), you can easily integrate UniWebView3 with the following simple steps. This document was written based on UniWebView3 version 3.3.2 (Oct 09, 2017). 1. Install UniWebView3 If you import UniWebView3 package to your project, you can see the script files in the project panel as shown below. We will modify this script. Of course, UniWebView3 is configured with script code that does not support Windows Unity Editor, Windows Standalone and Windows Store platform. That's why we need to modify the script files of UniWebView3. 2. Modify UniWebViewPlaceholder.cs Open the script file located in "/Assets/UniWebView/Interface/UniWebViewPlaceholder.cs" and modify directives as shown below. #if !UNITY_EDITOR_OSX && !UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX && !UNITY_IOS && !UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR_WIN && !UNITY_STANDALONE_...
WWebView is a fully completed module by itself. However, if your game uses UniWebView2 for other platforms (eg. IOS, AOS), you can easily integrate UniWebView2 with the following simple steps. This document was written based on UniWebView2 version 2.12.0 (Jul 11, 2017). 1. Install UniWebView2 If you import UniWebView2 package to your project, you can see the script files in the project panel as shown below. We will modify this script. Of course, UniWebView2 is configured with script code that does not support Windows Unity Editor, Windows Standalone and Windows Store platform. That's why we need to modify the script files of UniWebView2. 2. Modify UniWebViewPluginMacEditor.cs Open the script file located in "/Assets/Plugins/UniWebViewPluginMacEditor.cs" and modify UNITY_EDITOR directive to UNITY_EDITOR_OSX as shown below. 3. Add additional directives Open the script file located in "/Assets/UniWebView/Script/UniWebView.cs" and add follow...